Avoid penalties and save cost, all with your packaging data
NetaCarbon enables corporations to invest with confidence in customized high-quality carbon projects that speak to their brand identity while staying compliant with regulations.
Your packaging solution: compliance, cost savings, and peace of mind.
NetaCarbon helps consumer companies comply with packaging EPR regulations and stay on top of their packaging economics and sustainability targets.

Avoid non-compliance fines and save millions more, all with your packaging data
Avoid penalties and save cost, all with your packaging data
Supported by
Stay ahead of packaging EPR
Producers and manufacturers struggle to stay on top of global EPR regulations. That's where we can help.
How we support producers
No more messy packaging data. Our product packaging compliance and analytics platform does it all.
Unified view on packaging
Unified view
on packaging
Consolidate your specs, packaging, and sales databases through API; map them against fee structures of the latest regulations
Consolidate your specs, packaging, and sales databases through API; map them against fee structures of the latest regulations
EPR compliance
Streamlined state EPR reporting; automatically maximize exemptions; and track new regulations relevant to your business
NetaCarbon matches you with the perfect developer who can launch a project that meets your preferences.
Optimize your packaging
Optimize your
Financial analysis to minimize overall packaging costs; optimizer tool to compare packaging material options in our material library
Financial analysis to minimize overall packaging costs; optimizer tool to compare packaging material options in our material library
EPR regulations are here to stay
What lawmakers are saying about the global packaging EPR movement
Investing in high-quality carbon project or insetting initiatives is core to addressing residual emissions and reaching climate commitments.
"This bipartisan new law is an important step, will look at new ways to potentially remove the costs of recycling from localities and taxpayers, and save Coloradans money.”
"This bipartisan new law is an important step, will look at new ways to potentially remove the costs of recycling from localities and taxpayers, and save Coloradans money.”
"We are expected to reduce about 80% of our emissions by investing in solutions such as renewable energy... the final 20% requires securing high-quality carbon credits from removals outside of our value chain.”
Quoted from Mars'
Net Zero Roadmap

Make smarter
packaging decisions
See how we can cut your time spent on packaging compliance and data tracking by half

Make smarter
packaging decisions
See how we can cut your time spent on packaging compliance and data tracking by half

Make smarter
packaging decisions
See how we can cut your time spent on packaging compliance and data tracking by half

Make smarter
packaging decisions
See how we can cut your time spent on packaging compliance and data tracking by half
Your packaging solution: compliance, cost savings, and peace of mind.
NetaCarbon helps consumer companies comply with packaging EPR regulations and stay on top of their packaging economics and sustainability targets.